Tuesday, March 22, 2005

coffee, sex and new friends

So, me and my friend go to the Pendulo in the Condesa. We have coffee, we are talking, and we spend about an hour talking about intimate details about her relationship with her boyfriend.

Many things were mentioned, including masturbation, sex, and wanting sex. We also talked about a man's "thing".

Suddenly a voice behind us asks, "I'm sorry to interupt you ladies, but... " We were both mortified. Living in Mexico, and speaking another language besides Spanish lulls you into a false sense of security. You carry on in your first language, and you just get used to the fact that MOST people don't understand it.

Until you go to a cafe, and talk about SEX in a normal tone of voice, and after an hour get interrupted by a fellow patron who (holy fuckin' shit!!!)speaks English and very likely understood everything you had just said.

Then you realize all over again that thing about u and me, and the ass...

So we made a new friend. Turns out the guy was having a bad day, welcomed our conversation as a welcome distraction to his troubles, and finally heard enough to risk joining in.

He is also a psychologist, and an actor. And a pretty nice fellow. We had a nice chat, he offered some ideas to my friend about her concerns, which she was happy to have from a male perspective, and we talked about other stuff for awhile.

I apologized to him for not having any sexual problems to share, but he didn't mind.

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