Friday, April 08, 2005

He's Gone AT LAST....!

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Last night, AR came home around 8:30, knocked on my door and asked if I was ready to give him whats left of balance. I happily said yes, and I did the caluclations.

Seven days, at $50 pesos each, is 350. Plus the 200 pesos toward the phone bill, plus 50 of the cost of the laberet that was never returned. I gave him 900 pesos.

Then he proceded to hang around, asked if he could make phone calls, and generally try to make jokes and chat with me. Inside myself I wondered, "How on earth could he just be so happy? Shouldn't he be scooting his butt on out of here?" But no, AR wanted a little bit of quality time, or shall we say I-just-need-to-make-sure-that-you-still-like-me time.

I was cool, I humored him, listened in on his phone calls (did he just tell someone he's going to a cantina tonight?) secure in the knowledge that a some point in the night he would leave, and he will never be able to come back.

Finally he got around to packing his stuff in his car. He'll come back today for it. Maybe. Doesn't matter.

He offered to come back today to clean up the room, and I was like, ha! Please, stop it! I don't want you around. Being nice isn't going to change the fact that you're really fucked up.

Also, I found the camera he thought his "friends" had stolen from him. It was under his bed. I think I'll keep it.

UPDATE: AR came Friday night to collect some things out of his car. I gave him back the camera. It was a crap camera anyways, and getting it back made him happier than keeping it would've made me.

1 comment:

Gerson Obrajero said...

Yeah... you could live in peace at last ;)

y la camarita... pues, creo que paga en algo los malos ratos.

Saludos and good luck with the new roomate.