Sunday, April 03, 2005

Not only is my roomie a drunk; he's also a STALKER!


Bad-Roomie announced he was leaving Monday, and Wednesday he asked if he could stay after all, as long as everything is "under control".

I told him No. I pointed out to him that I hadn't kicked him out. He had decided to leave. And that I thought it best that he just stick to his decision. He agreed, and he will leave by the end of the month. Things have been calm since then - he seems to be focusing on working and laying low, and if he's drinkin', he's not doing it in the house.

However, I just found out NEW! informations!!! The
Noche en Guadalajara en Garibali he met a A, a friend of Good-Roomie. Bad-Roomie got her number.

A asked me, "Is he trying to hit on me or what?" I told her I didn't know, but that I thought he just didn't have alot of friends.

Good-Roomie saw A last night and it turns out Bad-Roomie has been calling her and sending her text messages every few days since they met - TWO WEEKS AGO. She hasn't really communicated back, except to apologize for being too busy to talk. That of course is a polite BRUSH-OFF, but hinting only works with normal folks.

He also apparently left a 3 minute song on her voice mail. I'm DYIN' to know what song it was!

I now feel it necessary to acknowledge that I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE WRONG ABOUT A PERSON SINCE FALLING FOR MY CRAZY EX. Those of you that know me know how wrong I was about that one.

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