Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Quick Catch-Up

Okay, I've taken a week off. I've been busy.

But lots of good things have happened...!

1. Ex-Roomie came back on Friday of last week to take away ALL of his things. Yay!!!! I guess he was so disheartened that we wouldn't lend him 50 pesos, he must have humbled himself even more with someone else, to avoid the shame of me taking care of his things a day longer.

2. I have realized working with other people sucks.

3. I just got my first "pedido" that is a whole $2800 pesos worth of product! Ten chokers, and ten wristcuffs, and 35 flowers.

4. And, I have a new roomate lined up for May, after Daniel leaves, and she's sending me the deposit and rent now.

All of this means my life is wuuuuunderful!!!! Yay!!!

1 comment:

Gerson Obrajero said...

Si, creo quee s mucho mejor que un chico AA....

Saludos Locochona!!!!!!!! =D